December Newsletter 2010
We would like to welcome Cliona and her parents Grainne and Adrian in Mother Hubbard’s.
A big Happy Birthday to ……………
Clodagh in the baby room will be 1 yr
Cliona will be 1 yr
We hope everyone is happy with photos Dermot ward took of the children. We only had one or two tears this year!
The order has gone in for the group photos so we should have them back soon. If you have not paid for your set and group photo, can you please have it in by Friday 17th December. Dermot will accept cash or cheques made out to Dermot Ward. Please do not include money for photo together with your child’s fee.
Fireman Visit
Vinnie, the Fireman was here in Mother Hubbard’s. He explained about fire safety to all the children. He also pointed out that many children hid under the beds in event of a fire and hard to rescue them so he told the children to shout out loud if there ever was a fire at home. All the children had an amazing time asking questions to the fireman.
Christmas Decorations
All the children in the rooms are very busy wit Christmas activities and decorating their rooms.
Christmas Holidays
We close at 6 pm on Thursday 23rd of December for Christmas holidays. Sessional Montessori closes at 12pm on the 23rd also.
We re-open on Tuesday 4th January 2011 and the Sessional Montessori start back on Monday the 10th January 2011 .

Christmas Party
The children’s Christmas Party on Thursday the 23rd of December. Children can dress up if they wish.
As you know we are members of the NCNA (National Children’s Nurseries Association) and IPPA (Irish Preschool Play Association). Both of these organisations are joining together to form “Early Childhood Ireland”. You can get more information at or
Jack & Jill Foundation
We are collecting old mobile phones for the Jack & Jill Foundation. If you have any old ones lying around that you don’t need please bring it into us and we will pass it onto the foundation. There funding has been cut by the HSE by over 1 million Euro so every bit helps.
Thank you!
A staff member in our Ongar centre has set up a small business. Details below;
“For stunning handmade headbands for yourself or your little cutie please visit Cute as a Button Headbands on facebook.
My headbands are custom made to your order for that personal touch!”
My headbands are custom made to your order for that personal touch!”
Play dough – Something to do on a rainy day over Christmas!
1/2 cup salt (60g)
1/2 cup water (120ml)
1 cup flour (120g)
1/2 cup water (120ml)
1 cup flour (120g)
1 tablespoon oil
food dye (3 or 4 drops) or poster paint (big squeeze) (any colour, be creative!)
food dye (3 or 4 drops) or poster paint (big squeeze) (any colour, be creative!)
Put everything into a bowl and mix. It’s that easy!!
A hint – If you use warm water its easier to mix together
We hope everyone has a great Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas from everyone at Mother Hubbard’s
Mother Hubbard’s
01 8688460