Look who has
a birthday this month:
Liam in
the baby room is turning 1
and James in Montessori both turning 4
and Ethan, both in junior Montessori will turn 3
in the pre-montessori room turns 2.
would like to welcome the following children:
Ethan and Ines into our baby room
and Rhea into the Junior Montessori.
We wish them all the happiness while in here.
would also like to welcome Caroline and Donna into the team; we hope you will
be very happy here.
Reminder of
Christmas Holidays
sessional Montessori children (9.00-12.00) will finish up on Thursday 20th December at 11.30 and will return on Monday
7th January 2013 at 9.00am.
For all
other children the centre will close on Friday 21st December at
6.30pm and will re-open on Wednesday 2nd January 2013.
This is
to say a big thank you to all who have made donations for the Barnardos
dressing up & fund raising last month. Your kind gesture is well
As the
weather is getting colder could all parents please send in a suitable coat and
a hat, scarf and gloves for their child for outdoor play. Wellies and raincoats should be provided for
wet days. You can label these items and
leave them in the centre if you wish to do so.
would like to remind all parents to use the hand sanitizer in the hallway
(located at the entrance) when entering and exiting the building to help stop
the spread of infection in the centre especially that is winter time and
parents who go to Baby room and Wobbler room please use the shoe cover to
prevent infection around.
Our photographer
Dermot Ward is coming to the centre on Tuesday 27th November to take
photos of the children. Parents are
under no obligation to buy these photos and only do so if they wish after
seeing the photos. Look out for signs in
the centre with details of prices etc.
Speech &
and drama class is also in full swing at this moment in the Montessori class
children love singing, dancing and acting with Hilary
you to all parents who make this to happen.
Info on Children’s Right Referendum
It may be of interest to you to know what is next with
the passing of the Children’s right referendum last week.
The referendum was carried with the Yes
side securing 58% of the vote and the No side getting 42%. While we are
disappointed that turnout was just 33.49%, in real terms, 1,066,239 people
voted (that’s almost one adult for every child in Ireland today) – out of a total
electorate of 3,183,239. For more
information, please visit http://www.earlychildhoodireland.ie/children%e2%80%99s-rights-referendum/
No 6 The Avenue
E-Mail: ongar@motherhubbardschildcare.ie