Mother Hubbards Newsletter September 2010
Welcome to our first newsletter of the new school year. This month we would like to welcome all of the new children who started with us at the beginning of September and their parents. We hope you are all very happy here at Mother Hubbards.
Happy Birthday
This month we would like to wish the following children a very big Happy Birthday:
• Emma who turned 8 years old on the 1st September.
• Sara who will turn 2 years old on the 9th September.
• Caoimhe who will turn 8 years old on the 27th September.
We would like to remind all parents that children should not bring in their own toys to crèche. As you can understand we do not want children’s toys to go home damaged in any way and bringing them in can cause great confusion to other children who think they belong to the crèche. This can cause unwanted bickering and unease amongst the children.
Also we would like to remind parents that if you have not brought in a spare set of clothes for your child could you do so as soon as possible. It is very important that we have them in case of emergency. The following clothes should be provided a t-shirt, sweater, underpants, trousers, socks and a vest. After school children are encouraged to bring in a change of clothes so they can change out of their uniforms. Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings!
Could all parents of children in the Montessori room please send in a scrap book for their child if they have not already done so by Monday 13th September.
Also could all parents of the children in the Montessori room please ensure that they have completed all relevant forms in their welcome pack. Please ensure that these are returned to a member of staff as soon as possible.
Cheerios Childline Breakfast together week will be on this year from 4th – 10th October. We are going to host our breakfast on Wednesday the 6th October at 9.30a.m.
Last year, hundreds of people held breakfasts with their friends, families and colleagues raising over €130,000 for Childline – enabling them to increase their call answering rate from 47% to 60% allowing them to speak to more children and young children who desperately need their help.
We ask that all parents donate €3 per child for this worthy cause.
(The following article is taken from: )
Temper Tantrums
10 Tips from Parents:
The information in this article is a compilation of advice and suggestions provided by parents visiting It is not a substitute for medical or other professional advice and services.
1. I find that if I get down on the floor the minute we get home before changing, putting on dinner etc. and play/read/rough and tumble for a while that she gets her fill of "mommy attention" and will then happily potter around after me being helpful while I am doing jobs.
2. The only way my 2 year old will behave when I meet a friend for coffee etc. is if my friend also has a small child so they can play together. If its just adults she really acts up.
3. My daughter tends to lose the plot in the evenings . I think it's due to the fact that by the time she gets home she's had a long tiring day and is just cranky because of exhaustion. It's very frustrating. I try to have colouring pages ready for her or something to distract her. She gets bored with all her colouring books so I print off clipart or colouring pages from the internet.
4. I definitely find that I get a better result than my husband does because I stay calm longer and give her a couple of chances to redeem herself whereas he's quicker to give out and that results in more tantrums. I'm just as strict but calmer about it (although sometimes I have to leave the room to achieve that!!)
5. We use a star chart . She gets stars for being good and black clouds for being bold. Make sure they can get a few stars easily for doing things like eating dinner or brushing teeth. At the end of the week she gets 70c pocket money but 10c is deducted for each black cloud. She gets a warning before a cloud is given so she has the chance to redeem herself but it's working very well
6. When things are calm pretend to have a 'chat'. Start the conversion with "You know what drives me mad" etc. Say a few things and then get her to say her few things. You might just drag out of her what is wrong
7. We’ve decided not to respond to whines, whinges and demands, and only to pleases, thank yous, etc - this is turning out really well.
8. Try not to be embarrassed when she acts up in public, anyone who has children will understand and sympathise, those who don't, have it all ahead of them in the future so if they give you any funny looks just think to yourself 'karma', it will come back on them threefold
9. Don't let the presence of a stranger stop you from issuing a reprimand.
10. I realized that a quiet but firm voice, simply saying no and not overreacting to his little fit is enough to make him stop and take notice.
Mother Hubbards
151 Blackcastle Lodge
Phone: 046-9070558
Flowerhill Fax: 046-9070670
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