Mother Hubbard’s Newsletter January 2011
Happy New Year to everyone & Welcome to 2011’s newsletter
January Birthdays
Luke will be 4yrs
Jack will be 3yrs
Catriona will be 2yrs

We would like to welcome Martha to the Pre-Montessori room and her parents Catherine & David.
Also we would like to welcome Odin to the Pre-Montessori room. Odin is Lola’s little brother.
We hope you are all very happy here!
Dates for the Diary
We are closed 17th March for St. Patrick’s Day and we are closed on 22nd of April (Good Friday) & Monday 25th April (Easter Monday)
Garda Visit
The Montessori children had a visit form the Gardai on Monday 10th. They were all very excited and got to see the hand cuffs and their walkie talkies. All the children promised to be very careful crossing the road and to wear their seat belts in the car. They are all going to watch out for the police helicopter!
Spare Clothes
We would ask all parents when they are bringing in spare clothes for their child to write their name or write their initial on the labels.
If you are bringing medicine into the centre for us to give to your child can everyone make sure they fill out the medicine administration form. Thank you.
We would like to remind parents not to let their child bring in toys to crèche. The children sometimes fight over them or they might break the toy and this can be upsetting for the children. Thank you.
Speech & Drama will be starting back up on Friday 14th January. It’s the start of a new term. Hilary will bring in new forms for it on Friday.
Also Gymboree is starting back on Thursday 13th.
Lost & Found
We have a box on the hall table with clothes in it. Can everyone have a look to see if they own anything? If items are not claimed we will give them to charity. Thank you.
Don’t forget you can follow us on facebook & twitter! See our website
Mother Hubbard’s
01 8260055