Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nephin Roads April newsletter 2011

Mother Hubbard’s April Newsletter 2011
We have only one birthday this month and that’s Clodagh who was 3 years old.

Happy Birthday Clodagh!

Pyjama Day
We had a great day on PJ Day. The children had lots of fun in their pyjama’s. They made beds and had snack in bed!

Thanks to everyone who has brought back their sponsorship card. We have received €255 so far. If you have not brought back your card please have it back in the centre by Friday 8th April. It’s for a great cause.

Dates for the Diary 
We are closed Friday 22nd April for Good Friday & Monday 25th April for Easter Monday.

We are also closed Monday the 3rd of May for the bank holiday.

The Montessori sessional children will be on mid-term from 18th – 29th April inclusive.
We would like to thank all the parents who donated their old books to the crèche. They are much appreciated. As you can imagine the books get ripped easily here with all the children! Keep bringing them in if you are throwing any away. Also thank you to the parents who brought in some of their toys they do not use anymore. The children here will get great use out of them!
We would like to welcome Demi and her mam Lyndsey to the Toddler room. We hope you are very happy here.

Easter Raffle for Threshold
There are still some lines left to buy for the Easter egg raffle. If you wish to buy a line give your money into Amy in the baby room. €2 per line.

New Dinners/Snack
We have tried our new dinner Chilli Con Carne and it went down a treat. We will be doing this dinner instead of the Macaroni & Cheese as the children are not too keen on it.

The Tuna and Mayonnaise wraps went down well too. We’ll try them again and see how they go.

Just a reminder for those who have not yet brought in suncream can you bring it in as soon as you can. Thank you.

Staff Training
Michelle & Ciara have recently completed their manual handling. Well done girls!

If you have not informed Catherine if your child will need afterschool in September 2011 can you please do as soon as possible?

Lost & Found
There is a bag in the cloakroom with clothes. Can you look through it to see if you own any of the items otherwise they will be given to charity?
Happy Easter
from all the Staff at Mother Hubbard’s
Mother Hubbard’s
19 Nephin Road,
Dublin 7
01 8688460