Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nephin Roads Oct/Nov newsletter 2012

We would like to welcome our new member of staff Eileen. She will be working in the Toddler room with Teresa. She is qualified in Childcare Fetac Level 5.

Welcome to Sarah & James who will be starting in November and their parents Jenny & John.

Welcome to Amy in the babyroom and her parents Caroline and Johnny.
Staff Birthdays:
Michelle was ??? on the 20th of October.
Ciara was ??? on the 9th of October.
Teresa will be ??? on the 26th of November

October Children’s Birthdays
Fionn was 3
Emily and Aoife both turned 3
Seamus was 4
Sophie H was 2

November Birthdays
James will be 1year’s old


Halloween Party!
All children had a marvellous time for with party with lots of goodies and fun games.

Parents Evening!
We would like to thank all the parents who attended the parents evening. It went really well and it was great for new staff and new parents to meet and get to know one and other.

As you all know winter is upon us, all children should have warm clothes with them such as hats scarves and gloves. These should all be labelled so they don’t get misplaced.

Quiet Time!
Between 12 and 2 is the quiet time for children to rest or sleep in the centre. We would ask parents to be aware of this when entering and exiting the building. Thank you.

Cake Sale!
In November the staff will be holding a cake sale to raise money for Temple Street Children’s hospital. We will notify you of the date soon!!

We would ask all parents to be extra careful when opening and closing the front door. Watch out for little fingers!
Also if parents could make sure the stairs is closed behind them when going up or down.

We would ask parents to encourage children to leave their toys at home when coming to the crèche as this causes a lot of confusion amongst the children.
Toddle Waddle
The Toddle Waddle went really well! Children had a great time. Thanks to everyone who has sponsored the Toddle Waddle. If you have not brought back in your sponsorship card please return it by 4th November. Thank you!!
Christmas Photographs
We will have the photographer in the centre to take this years Christmas photos at the end of November. There will be individual and group photos. We will notify you soon with the exact date.


Thank you for reading our newsletter, we will keep updated with latest news!!