Mother Hubbards Newsletter
November 2011
Look who has a birthday this month:
Daniel in Pre-Montessori who turned 3
James in pre-Montessori who turned 3
Armin in Afterschool who will be 5
Isabella in the baby room who turned 1
We would like to welcome Grace our new cook, we hope you will be very happy here.
Welcome to Dima in the Pre-Montessori room. We hope you are settling well.
Swapna had a baby boy last week both mother and baby are doing well.
Reminder of Christmas Holidays
The sessional Montessori children (9.00-12.00) will finish up on Friday 23rd December at 11.30 and will return on Monday 9th January 2011 at 9.00am.
For all other children the centre will close on Friday 23rd December at 6.30pm and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2011.
Parent’s Evening
We are having a parents evening on Thursday 24th of November at 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Parents are invited to come in a talk to their child’s teachers. Ecce parents is from 3.30.
As the weather is getting colder could all parents please send in a suitable coat and a hat, scarf and gloves for their child for outdoor play. Wellies and raincoats should be provided for wet days. You can label these items and leave them in the centre if you wish to do so.
Hand Sanitizer
We would like to remind all parents to use the hand sanitizer in the hallway (located at the entrance) when entering and exiting the building to help stop the spread of infection in the centre especially that is winter time and parents who go to Baby room and Wobbler room please use the shoe cover to prevent infection around.
Our photographer Dermot Ward is coming to the centre on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd of November to take photos of the children. Parents are under no obligation to buy these photos and only do so if they wish after seeing the photos. Look out for signs in the centre with details of prices etc.
Gymboree/Speech & Drama
The Gymboree class is going very well the children are enjoying the class every Wednesday.
Speech and drama class is also in full swing at this moment in the Montessori class children love singing, dancing and acting with Hilary
Thank you to all parents who make this to happen.
Road Safety Awarness Some tips to keep in mind.
Taken from (
- Look for a safe place
- Don’t hurry stop and wait
- Look all around and listen before you cross the road remember
- Let all the traffic pass you
- Then walking straight across you
- Keep watching, that’s the safe cross code

In a crash or when braking suddenly, you can easily be thrown out of your seat. This is very dangerous because you could be sent through the windscreen or hit the gear stick or dashboard, causing you very serious injury or even death. This is why it is so important to buckle up and become a Seatbelt Sheriff.

All children should be kept safe in a vehicle with safety seats or belts appropriate to your height and weight. And always buckle up in the back seat. Now you’re the Seatbelt Sheriff’s star partner!

As the Seatbelt Sheriff you must set a good example to everyone else in the car, by buckling up as soon as you get in. No matter how short your journey is, make sure everyone in the car is wearing a safety belt at all times.

According to a safety belt wearing survey, 1 out of 3 primary school children and almost 1 out of 3 secondary school children are not wearing safety belts when they travel in the back seat of a car. Everybody in the car is required by law to wear a safety belt and it is up to the driver to make sure passengers under 17 are following the law, but now you can help them to keep everyone safe.
No 6 The Avenue
Ongar Village Phone: 01-8260055
Dublin 15
Dublin 15