Mother Hubbards
March/April 2015
Happy Birthday
birthday to everyone celebrating their big day during the months of March and
April. We hope you have a wonderful day. Children are more than welcome to
celebrate their birthday at Mother Hubbards. If sending in a cake it must be
shop bought and unopened in the original packaging due to HSE regulations.
Pyjama Day
year Mother Hubbards participates in Pyjama Day. This is an event organised by
Early Childhood Ireland. Children and staff wear their pyjamas to work and
participate in a fun day with lots of bedtime and pyjama themed activities. Our
Pyjama Day this year will be held on Friday March 6th. Sponsorship
envelopes and letters have been sent home, if you did not receive yours please
let a member of staff know.
year all funds raised from Pyjama Day are being donated to Irish Autism Action.
Irish Autism Action was set up in 2001 and aims to bring positive change to
those affected by autism. Some of the services it offers includes counselling,
early detection diagnosis and social housing. More information can be found on
the IAA’s website
ECCE 2015 – 16
born between 2nd February 2011 and 30th June 2012 will be entitled to avail of
their free preschool (ECCE) year in September 2015. Both our Slane Road and Flowerhill centres
are currently taking bookings. Please contact us to book a place or if you have
any queries. Remember to tell any neighbours or friends who might have children
in this age range as places book up fast.
of the Month
would like to remind our parents of our illness policy.
details can be found in the Parents Handbook or in our Policies and Procedures
folder, located in the hallway.
should not attend the service if they are ill and staff should be informed of
any illness they may have had so we can be vigilant for spread of illness to
other children and staff. The following common illnesses exclude a child from
the service:
Temperature Over 37.5 degrees Celsius
Diarrhoea more than two times in last 48 hours
Vomiting more than one time in last 48
Conjuctivitis First 2 days at home and then
once eyes stop weeping
Chickenpox 7 days from appearance of rash
must be informed if medication has been given prior to their child attending
the service.
Patrick’s Day Rice Krispie Treats
1/4 cup of butter
4 cups of soft marshmallows
5 cups of Rice Krispie cereal
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
green food coloring (optional)
butter over low heat until completely melted.
add marshmallows and stir often to avoid burning them.
marshmallow/butter mixture is completely melted, add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
and your green food coloring and mix well.
from heat and stir in your Rice Krispie cereal.
onto lined/greased baking tray. Allow to set.
in an air tight container and they will stay softer longer!
Dates for your Diary

class will be closed from Monday 16th March to Wednesday 18th
March 2015 inclusive. Class will resume as normal on Thursday 19th
March at 9am.
holidays will run from Monday 30th March to Friday 10th April inclusive. Class
will resume as normal on Monday 13th April at 9am.
Mother Hubbard’s,
56 Blackcastle Demense,
Slane Road,
Co. Meath